CoCon – Coaching & Consulting
for people in industry and business
My motivation:
Realising potential.
May I introduce to you?
CoCon – Coaching & Consulting
CoCon – the living experience and synthesis of more than 30 years of professional experience as an enthusiastic engineer, people-focused manager and convinced instigator of change:
Systemic coaching for people in professional life
Consulting for organisations in transformation
Technical expertise for dedusting systems
How can I support you?
People & Profession
Discover strengths, appreciate uniqueness
Everyone has their own strengths and needs, and I help you to recognise and use yours. As a coach, I support you in finding your right place in the organisation and making your valuable contribution to its success. Let’s find out together how you can find your personal fulfilment at work.
Technology & Transformation
Environmental protection and sustainable change
The major changes of our time pose major challenges for the people in the companies as well as their technical systems. With my in-depth understanding of technical processes and my experience in managing change projects, we work together to develop customised solutions that are both technically optimal and humanly sustainable.
You cannot influence the cards
that are dealt to you,
but you can decide,
how you play them.
Milton H. Erickson
I am thrilled that you are here.
My conviction: People want to realise their potential and develop further – both personally and professionally. I am passionate about supporting them in using their strengths and unique skills to find fulfilment in their careers and actively shape personal change.
At the same time, I use my experience as an engineer and manager to build a bridge to organisations and companies in the industry and help them to sustainably harmonise the necessary transformations always having their people in mind.
I look forward to seeing you!

Michael Frank
CoCon – Coaching & Consulting
Dechant-Fein-Str. 16
51375 Leverkusen (Germany)