Vorträge und Präsentationen

Michael J. Frank


Foto: Robert Hausmann, Basel, VGB-Kongress 2021 – 100 PLUS, Zollverein, Essen

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Aktuelle Vorträge

Michael J. Frank

Investigations of Cost-Effective ESP-Upgrade Measures<br />
for a Life-Time-Extension in a Grid-Stability Operating<br />


Kyoto, 2024

Presenter: Michael J. Frank
Corresponding authors: Juergen Student, Wolfgang Albrecht, Anna Havekost. uniper energy.

Investigations of Cost-Effective ESP-Upgrade Measures<br />
for a Life-Time-Extension in a Grid-Stability Operating<br />


Kyoto, 2024

Presenter: Michael J. Frank
Corresponding authors: Juergen Student, Wolfgang Albrecht, Anna Havekost. uniper energy.

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