Papers and Presentations

Michael J. Frank


Photo: Robert Hausmann, Basel, VGB-Kongress 2021 – 100 PLUS, Zollverein, Essen

If you are interested in one or more of my papers, please let me have a bit more background about your interest and your organization and I’ll be happy to email you a copy.

Current Presentations

Michael J. Frank

Investigations of Cost-Effective ESP-Upgrade Measures<br />
for a Life-Time-Extension in a Grid-Stability Operating<br />


Kyoto, 2024

Presenter: Michael J. Frank
Corresponding authors: Juergen Student, Wolfgang Albrecht, Anna Havekost. uniper energy.

Investigations of Cost-Effective ESP-Upgrade Measures<br />
for a Life-Time-Extension in a Grid-Stability Operating<br />


Kyoto, 2024

Presenter: Michael J. Frank
Corresponding authors: Juergen Student, Wolfgang Albrecht, Anna Havekost. uniper energy.

Further lectures





ICESP XVII - International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation"Investigations of Cost-Effective ESP-Upgrade Measures for a Life-Time-Extension in a Grid-Stability Operating Scenario" Kyoto, Japan
ICESP XVII - International Conference on Electrostatic PrecipitationESP-School: Options for ESP-UpgradesKyoto, Japan


vgbe-Workshop Flue Gas Cleaning 2023Investigations of cost-effective ESP-upgrade measures for ensuring compliant operation close to end-of-lifePrag/Tschechische Republik


RWTH Aachen - FIRUniper Enerlytics - A digital journeyAachen
ICESP XVI - International Conference on Electrostatic PrecipitationESP-School: Options for ESP-UpgradesBudapest/Ungarn
International Power Summit IPSOpening keynote - Insights from industry decarbonizationMunich


International Power Summit IPSPreparing for the "New Normal"Virtual/Online


International Power Summit IPSDigitalisation - The Human FactorHamburg
European Asset Management EAM Arbeitskreis Instandhaltung Maintenance 4.0 - und alles geht wie von selbst?Bonn


International Power Summit IPSEngineering the future - Merging AI with Engineering ExpertiseBerlin
8th Hydropower Digitalization ForumEngineering the future - Merging AI with Engineering ExpertiseWien
VGB "Digitalization in Hydropower"Engineering the future - Merging AI with Engineering ExpertiseGraz
FDBR-Kongress AnlagentechnikDie Kombination von KI und IngenieurwissenMagdeburg

Frühere Vorträge

Expperts 2014"Energiewende" (Energy Transition) - A homemade challenge for conventional generationKrakau/Polen
Expperts 2012Economy, Environment & Air Pollution Control Technology - Quo Vadis?London/UK
VGB-FGC Workshop 2011Increasing Fuel Flexibility by Upgrading the Electrostatic PrecipitatorHelsinki/Finnland
Expperts 2010Increasing Fuel Flexibility by Upgrading the Electrostatic PrecipitatorBerlin
VGB-FGC Workshop 2009Bag Filters in Power Generation - Drivers and Considerations for the Selection of a Particulate Control DeviceRom/Italien
Expperts 2008Current trends in Europe on emission levels: A challenge for existing and new particulate control systemsBrüssel/Belgien
VGB-FGC Workshop 2008Some Thoughts on Particulate Control Technologies for Power StationsMarseille/Frankreich
Expperts 2006Meeting Emission Regulations by Innovative Technologies in Flue Gas CleaningKrakau/Polen
VGB-FGC Workshop 2005Impact of specific Coal Properties on ESP and FGD and Optimization MeasuresEssen
VGB-Kongress 2005Wet-ESP Installations in Power Generation IndustryPotsdam
VGB-Kongress 2005Prozessgüteüberwachung - Ein einfaches Tool zur nachhaltigen Verbesserung der Betriebsführung und EffizienzPotsdam
PowerGen 1999Operating Experience - Electrostatic Precipitators as Dedusters for CFB-BoilersFrankfurt